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My Faith Expressions

every single breath ...

Life is a prayer

What is prayer but a bridge to experience life.

What is life but our humanity interacting with the divine.


Prayer begins the moment we open our eyes and experience life.


My humanity searches for ways to interact with the Divine.


And I found it through movement on stage ...


through storytelling on video


through my palate in the kitchen...


This is my sacred life and my irreverent prayers. 

Expressions in Motion

Media has rediscovered its power and influence with technology because production and distribution is now democratized.


With audio/video productions- a message can be transmitted endlessless, effortlessly.

To dance is to talk in silence with more anger,more sadness, more happiness than all the words put together. If people do not understand the power of movement and relegate it to extertainment then they are missing the beauty of the waves splashing on the beach and wind blowing through the leaves or the bride's tiny steps towards her groom or the heavy march of a loved one's burial.


My Sunday Food Trips

My Sundays are spent bonding with the family as I rediscover the power of a homemade meal. Some recipes were dismal failures some were better than great.. all were baked, cooked and eaten with love.

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